To bake, pour the vanilla batter into the prepared ramekin (fill it halfway)
Then, take the piping bag, push it into the center of the batter and fill it with the cinnamon paste. You will see your batter swell up as you do this. Don’t overfill it with cinnamon paste, you only need a little. The batter should be fully covering the cinnamon paste inside to avoid any spills
Bake the cake for 12-15 minutes, until the sides are set but the center is still jiggly. Pay attention to the center, it should still be soft and jiggly but not too soft. Experiment with the baking time on your first time to make sure you get it right
To take the cakes out of the ramekin, place an inverted plate over it, then turn the ramekin around with the plate and place it on the table. Be very careful at this step as the ramekins will be extremely hot, don’t forget to use a mitten. Then, slowly lift the ramekin from the plate, the cake should slide out smoothly. If your cake breaks down in a puddle at this step, you have underbaked it. Try leave it in the oven for a minute or two on your next try
Top with the icing sugar glaze (if using) and serve immediately